5 Ways You Can Avoid Vitamin B12 Deficiency for Vegans

B12 food“Are you mad? You’ll be needing a ton of supplements, especially Vitamin B12, if you want to become a vegan!” That was the reaction of my friends and doctor friends when I told them I wanted to try a raw vegan lifestyle. So I went away and I read as many books I could about vitamin deficiency and how to avoid it. As a result, I’ve come up with this post, which tackles the good, the bad, the ugly, and how to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency.

You see, I’ve found that no matter what kind of diet you follow, when a certain vitamin or mineral is consistently missing, imbalance and disease can occur within the first 2 years, and often much sooner. One of my goals in life was to have an abundant, thriving energy level and to achieve it through effective sleep, sport and food.  So obviously I wanted to know if the vitamin B12 myth was real, and if so, what exactly causes vitamin B12 deficiency?

Short Answer: Vitamin B deficiency is caused by poor or Continue reading “5 Ways You Can Avoid Vitamin B12 Deficiency for Vegans”

Speed Reading and Why It’s a Must for Everyone: the 7 Big Benefits

Benefits of Speed ReadingImagine you have time to read all the books you have ever or will ever want to read. Okay, done that? Now let me tell you a secret …

Unfortunately, or fortunately as it turned out, when I was in Uni the first year wasn’t going at all well for me. I passed only half of the exams I took, and at the speed I was working it was going to take me double the time I had to finish off all my studies. Added to that was the fact that there was more information being printed in just one hour, than a human being living 100 years ago would have to learn in their entire lifetime. I just had to find a way to read faster.

So overnight I decided to take massive action and researched as much as I could about reading and learning as fast and effectively as was humanly possible. But before I share with you just how I did it, let me share with you how speed reading saved my Uni grades, allowed me more time for fun, and continues to improve my life.

TIP: Everybody has 15 minutes a day. And if you use that 15 minutes every day to read then at an average speed of 250 wpm (words per minute) you will finish an average size book (90000 words) in 24 days. Keep going and you will read an average of 15 books per year.

If you triple your reading speed (easily do-able after reading these posts), you will now be reading 45 books per year. The thing is, you can actually quadruple your reading speed within 30 days. Just don’t make the mistake that I made and start reading self help books before you go to bed, you will not be able to sleep.

The 7 Big Benefits of Speed Reading:

Speed reading is a super-powered technique which will accelerate the speed you learn and enable you to understand more of what you read. When I applied it, I doubled my reading speed in 3 hours, so think about this: It will take you just 3 hours to double your reading speed and to understand things more easily. After that, you’ll have the ability for the rest of your life

  1. Time. Time is your most valuable commodity. Your success or failure, in anything you do, depends greatly on how effectively you use your time. Speed reading is a cheap and easy way for you to buy more time.
  2. Better Focus. Everybody can learn to read at least at 500 wpm, but the actual average reading speed is still the same as it was in the 19th century (around 200 wpm). Why the big gap? In the coming articles, I will explain why the traditional reading style is not very efficient and how Speed Reading helped me to build focus.
  3. Better Understanding and Comprehension. When do you pay more attention, when you are driving at 80 km/h or 180 km/h? In the next posts I will explain how speed reading will improve your concentration and focus.
  4. Improving Your Memory. The phrase “Use it or lose it” most definitely applies to the brain. The brain is a muscle and by training it, it will perform better and at a higher level.  Also, when you train your brain to take in the information faster, your memory will also improve.
  5. Logic Training. As I mentioned already, reading is an exercise for your brain. When you train your brain to read faster, something amazing happens. Your brain becomes more efficient, both at sorting out the new  information and at finding links to other bits of information you have stored there. The more you improve your reading speed, the faster this process happens and you will automatically notice the improvements in your logical thinking processes. You will find, for example, that when you play games of logic such as chess, you are actually better at them. But these improvements will spill over into your everyday problem solving too.
  6. More Opportunities in Your Life. When your reading speed improves, you will find that more and more information is entering into your mind and staying there. As a result of this, you will further find that many pieces of an ‘information puzzle’ will now join together and create a complete picture. In this way you will see patterns in your life that you just couldn’t notice before. Patterns that will give you greater choice, more opportunities, more options. The freedom to choose and to have many choices is important for your self belief. Speed reading, therefore, will allow you boost your confidence by enabling you to take full control of your life, and to achieve more with it than you previously imagined.
  7. Relaxation. Reading is a very relaxing pastime, no matter how and at what speed you do it. It can help reduce stress because it removes your thoughts from your worries and your burdens. Indeed, the right book can make all of your negative thoughts go away. It can change your mood in an instant. When you read faster, you will be even more absorbed into the material. Speed Reading enables you to shut out the world and to really lose yourself in whatever it is you are reading. This is also known as active-meditation; a state you might reach in order to release tension and increase your emotional well-being. Try it for one month and you’ll really see the difference.

Speed Reading Basics: The Concept of Reading

Do you say words in your head while you’re reading? Do you often need to re-read a piece of text? Are you easily distracted? Then you are reading too slow for your brain. You see, your thoughts go so much faster than the speed at which you talk. So when we take in information too slowly, our brain starts thinking of something else. The solution to this problem?  Read faster!

How to Read Faster

There are definitely a few tips and tricks which will help you to instantly read faster, and I will give you some of those very soon. But before we get to the Speed Reading techniques, I will explain the general understanding of the reading process – and tell you what’s wrong with it. Then, I will tell you what these speed reading techniques are, and explain the scientifically proven theories they are based on. I will also advise you on the best environment for your speed reading adventure.

Our Current Understanding of Reading

Most people assume that the way to read is to let your eyes slide continuously over the lines on the page, reading each and every word, syllable by syllable, and sounding them all silently in your head. This perception of the reading process originates from the way we were taught to read as children. Tony Buzan (sponsored link) distinguishes between the two main teaching methods:

  1. The phonetic method – (children pronounce the different letters of the alphabet and then combine these tones into words).
  2. The see-and-say method – (children are shown images and asked to describe what they see).

Both methods mean that when the child is reading on their own, they do so by first saying the words in their mind. This is called sub-vocalization.

Misunderstandings About the Concept of Reading

We assume that our children are able to read when they can go through a book in silence. But this is the reading equivalent of learning to drive in a sports car and then taking to the road in a lawnmower. This means that any further developments in your reading skills can only be small ones, especially if you’re only ever doing day-to-day reading, the kind that takes place out of the college or university environments. It’s like learning, over time, to take the corners a little quicker in that lawnmower of yours. So maybe, in the end, your child will learn to read at a speed of 200 wpm. Well, most grown-ups, continuing with the same lawnmower method, will only get to about 250 wpm. A college or university attendee might push themselves, through strong will power and stronger coffee, to 400 wpm. But that’s still just the equivalent of putting a slightly faster engine into the same tired old lawnmower. With a little effort you can easily reach 1000 wpm, and if you really want to go pro then 3800 wpm awaits for the Formula One or NASCAR driver.

Some of you will be reading all this and saying: “Hey, but surely speeding up will actually decrease my understanding of the text” . This isn’t true though, since it is such an energy consuming process to go from syllable, to word, to sentence, to overall message. Evelyn Wood ,(sponsored link)  a speed reading instructor, believes an average person thinks at a speed of 5000 wpm. This same person, however, will be reading at that same old lawnmower speed of 250 wpm. This is why many students get bored and frustrated while reading – because they think so much faster than they read. Moreover, most texts contain a lot of wasted words so there’s usually a whole bunch of stuff that you don’t even need to process. The message, in fact, will often be clearer without it.

Fun Fact:- Did You Know that people only recently learned how to read in silence? Which means before that time they could only read out loud. Can you imagine a library in which everybody is screaming so they can hear themselves above everybody else?!

The Correct Application for Reading

The ability to join the sounds of some letters and to correctly sound out a whole word, does not make you a good reader, I’m afraid. True reading consists of much more than that. Like understanding the text and forming your own opinion about it. Buzan defined several phases in the reading process, and they all need to be worked on if you want to super-charge your reading skills.

  1. Recognition: The knowledge of alphabetic symbols.
  2. Assimilation: The physical process in which light is reflected by the word, received by the eye, and transferred through the optic nerve to the brain.
  3. Intra-Integration: The basic understanding. Achieved by connecting different parts of the information.
  4. Extra-Integration: The process of connecting your previously gained knowledge to the new information you are learning.
  5. Retain: The storage of information.
  6. Remember: The ability to access your stored information.
  7. Communication: The ability to share your stored information by means of talking, writing, and visualizing, for example. But also just by thinking upon it – by sharing it with yourself in your head.

How the Physical Activity of Reading Really Works How to Speed Read

Your eyes do not move in a continuous flowing movement over the words, but instead, are guided by the visual processing center which can be found in the back of your brain. These are small jumps from left to right, with a pause. Only during the pause, which is the most time consuming part, is the information taken in. A slow reader uses twice as many pauses due to the fact that they are both consciously and unconsciously jumping backwards for a ‘better understanding’ of the text. A fast reader fixates on larger groups of words without jumping backwards. It is an understanding of this process which forms the basis of speed reading.

A Better, Faster, Stronger Reading Method

Now that we know how reading actually works, will we be able to improve and accelerate our reading process. We will do this by:

  • Giving a new meaning to ‘sub-vocalization’
  • Reducing the duration of fixations
  • Taking in larger groups of words for each fixation
  • Eliminating jumping backwards and regression
  • Using your peripheral view

But before we get to speed reading techniques, we will first discuss the ideal mindset to have and the best conditions for doing it.  We will go through 7 steps in total, and by the end of them you too will be a speed reading champion. They are listed below and you can read about them in the following posts about Speed Reading.

This post is an item in this series about speed reading


Lose Weight Using Pain & Pleasure Principle

Weightloss with Pain and PleasurePain and pleasure are the basic principles we use when ‘conditioning’ the behavior of animals, as well as children and adults. This is explained by the Pavlov effect. Which is named after Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936); the Noble prize winning Russian physiologist who discovered it during his studies on Behaviorism. In line with this concept, in my last post how pain and pleasure affect every decision in your life I explained to you how rewards (pleasure) and punishments (pain) can be used effectively to rid yourself, once and for all, of any unwanted behavior.

But it is important to note, that if you make any change in your life and you want these changes to be long term, then Continue reading “Lose Weight Using Pain & Pleasure Principle”

Pain and Pleasure: The Two Principles That Form Every Decision in Your Life

Pain and Pleasure PrincipleAt the beginning of every New Year, people come up with their resolutions for that year based on good intentions. However, by the 15th of January approximately 50% of these people give up. Their logic might try to convince them otherwise but often does not succeed. Why is this so? I read once about a very interesting theory based on human behavior and psychology. This theory involves two basic principles that help in forming our decisions in life. Understanding these principle can help greatly in gaining insight into our own behavior (You can even lose weight using this principle) . The concept is popularly known as the Pain and Pleasure Theory. 

It suggests that every decision you take in your life is an attempt to minimize pain and maximize pleasure. Every choice or decision made in daily life is based on this theory. You try to avoid the pain that can be caused by a wrong decision and focus on the fun and pleasure that will come out of good decisions. But this is not always the case. Many experts and theorists who have studied this concept have highlighted the fact that people tend to focus more on avoiding pain rather than increasing pleasure. This is because the survival mechanism too plays a role in the decision making process. It has a direct impact on all decisions and choices regardless of whether they are made consciously or unconsciously.

Why Avoiding Pain is Far More Important Than Gaining Pleasure

  1. Your natural defense mechanism gives top priority to survival which is why you instinctively try to avoid pain.
  2. One other reason given for the tendency is that pain has a greater and more immediate effect on you. It triggers the survival instinct and you automatically become more concerned with trying to withdraw from the negative effect.

Our decisions are based more on emotions and less on logic. It is true that logic does play an important role in decision making but experts suggest that the first steps that are taken in the decision making process are biased towards emotions.

“We are not driven by the reality of pain or the reality of pleasure, but by our perception of the reality that leads to pain or to pleasure.” Anthony Robbins

In other words, we take decisions based on what we think how we are going to feel in the future and not based on reality. It is about the perception of reality. Some marketers and human behavioral psychologist even declare that 98 % of our buying decisions are made emotionally and then justified rationally/logically.


The Different Type of Brains

Are You Still a Reptile?

Our society has been conditioned in such a way that the brain tries to dominate all decisions and choices. In order to understand how the brain reacts to certain situations, the pain and pleasure theory can be linked to some concepts of evolutionary biology. The human brain has evolved in three phases. These phases can therefore, be considered as three basic layers of the brain:

The Reptilian Brain: This term basically refers to the oldest phase of your brain. In simple words this brain controls the reflexes and basic instincts including survival. The fight or flight concept relates to the reptilian brain as well. This concept is very similar to the pain and pleasure theory.

The Mammalian Brain: this is the part of your brain where the emotions are stored.

The Neo-Cortex: This is basically known as the youngest brain. It is responsible for the logic, reasoning, learning etc. This part of the brain is usually more evaluative than the others which focus more on instinct. The funny thing here is that these three layers are not very well coordinated with each other. In fact, when they are in conflict the survival mechanism kicks back to the oldest brain which is the reptilian brain. This is good, because if you are in a dangerous situation, like earthquake, dangerous animal, etc… you shouldn’t think for too long but need to act extremely fast, but sometimes we imagine an event as a dangerous situation which is not, like public speaking, approaching a stranger, etc…

Two of the Many Ways to Change a Pain or Fear AssociationDo Not Fear Pain

Let’s take the public speaking as an example.

  1. Just doing it over and over again until your logical brain overwrites the program that launch the fear that your reptile brain associate with public speaking
  2. To do nr 1 in a more smooth way and with less fear, you can use NLP techniques (disassociation/association) and through meditation visualize yourself doing the presentation in a successfull way. This need some training and some consistent action before your reptile brain/logical brain transaction gets it

It is not always bad to have fear or pain associated with some actions. Fear usually is a signal that something need to change. Sometimes you can use fear and pleasure to push and pull you when your willpower is lacking of power to take action. Because of the pain and pleasure concept associated with every decision, actions can be changed. The emotions can be used to drive the decision making process towards achieving your goals. For example, if you want to lose weight you can :

  1. Associate  several painful emotions with eating unhealthy, not exercising and not losing weight.
  2. You can reprogram yourself by linking enough intense negative emotions to not taking action.
  3. You can visualize this negative emotions with so much intensity until you feel that you need to make a change. You can help yourself by watching movies who can empower you or hang pictures in your bedroom. The kind of pictures  that empower you to take the right action and the kind that will link enough pain to being unhealthy. If you do this in a consistent way, it will pay off in the direction that you want as you will stack pain over pain and pleasure over pleasure.

Don’t let fear and imaginary pain use you, but use fear and pain to lead the live that you want on your own terms and conditions.  

Related posts:- How to Use the Pain and Pleasure Principle to Lose Weight