Superfood: Introduction

Introducing SuperfoodsHalf of the world is overweight and underfed! That’s because most people eat food that is very low dense in nutritients. What if you could eat less and have no cravings and feel all day energized. One way to do this is to implement superfoods in your daily food intake and discover the powerful benefits of maximum nutrition, protein, flavour, health and energy. The good news is that you will never be too old or too young to start! So, why not start today? Superfoods are nutritionally dense and rich foods, loaded with a tremendous amount of antioxidants, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins, which your body needs, but can’t produce, on its own. They are vibrant and offer a terrific dietary fulfilment of natural healing. You must eat them in its most natural raw way and are organic at all times. Every day more Continue reading “Superfood: Introduction”

Organic Food vs Non Organic Food: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

benefits of organic food vs non organic

Let’s begin this very simply. You should always eat organic foods. Why? Because, unlike non-organic foods, organic foods are not produced using harmful chemicals.

But why are these chemicals harmful, and in what way? Well, for example, the pesticides and fungicides which are sprayed heavily upon our crops are specifically designed to kill living organisms. Really then, they should not be used on our previously pristine lands, they should not be in contact with our foods, and they should definitely not be fed to our unknowing children. If you are not yet convinced that you should just stop right now and change your diet, then please read on. (Although, before you continue, take a moment to ask yourself why the guy spraying our crops would need all of that protection?)

What is Organic Food?

According to Continue reading “Organic Food vs Non Organic Food: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly”

Why You Have to Take Care of Your Stomach

healthy life exercise yoga“Take care of your stomach for the first fifty years and it will take care of you for the next fifty” – MD. Steven Smith on his 100-th birthday

How many times in the last twelve months have you felt sick or fatigued for no apparent reason? You suffer a few symptoms for a couple of days and then miraculously you feel better and forget all about those several days of misery. Have you ever stopped to wonder why these bouts of illness are so sporadic? One of the primary causes of this is what we call ‘autointoxication’, specifically intestinal autointoxication. When the bowels are not performing effectively, leaving too much waste inside the colon and giving bacteria time to grow, intestinal toxemia occurs. As a result of this toxemia the body starts to absorb too much of its own waste. One of the many problems with toxemia and autointoxication is that there are no clearly defined symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose. If you don’t know your symptoms are due to toxemia, then you likely won’t seek out a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment. Without a proper diagnosis effective treatment is unlikely and the best you can hope for is treating the symptoms, which do nothing to stop this cycle of illness and fatigue. In fact there are many different health problems linked to toxemia and autointoxication, which is why a detox diet and an improved lifestyle and diet plan are crucial parts of a healthy life. Continue reading “Why You Have to Take Care of Your Stomach”

The Top 13 Benefits of Cold Showers

How You Can Benefit From Cold ShowersI try to improve my health habits every year, so I decided to try a 30 day cold shower “fast”. It has been now over a year (26 June 2012) since my last hot shower!

Besides scientific studies that have proven the benefits of cold showers I experience the positive effects every day. You too will see and feel the following benefits if you start to take a cold shower every morning and/or evening.

Cold Showers Make You Sleep Faster and Deeper

This is my main reason for continuing to take them. Cold showers taken 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime slow down your heart rate by causing the slower pumping of blood in the nervous system. When this happens, the body’s temperature tends to decrease, encouraging the body to rest. This also causes a decrease of activity within the metabolic system.

Boosts Immune System

This is probably Continue reading “The Top 13 Benefits of Cold Showers”

5 Ways You Can Avoid Vitamin B12 Deficiency for Vegans

B12 food“Are you mad? You’ll be needing a ton of supplements, especially Vitamin B12, if you want to become a vegan!” That was the reaction of my friends and doctor friends when I told them I wanted to try a raw vegan lifestyle. So I went away and I read as many books I could about vitamin deficiency and how to avoid it. As a result, I’ve come up with this post, which tackles the good, the bad, the ugly, and how to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency.

You see, I’ve found that no matter what kind of diet you follow, when a certain vitamin or mineral is consistently missing, imbalance and disease can occur within the first 2 years, and often much sooner. One of my goals in life was to have an abundant, thriving energy level and to achieve it through effective sleep, sport and food.  So obviously I wanted to know if the vitamin B12 myth was real, and if so, what exactly causes vitamin B12 deficiency?

Short Answer: Vitamin B deficiency is caused by poor or Continue reading “5 Ways You Can Avoid Vitamin B12 Deficiency for Vegans”

Lose Weight Using Pain & Pleasure Principle

Weightloss with Pain and PleasurePain and pleasure are the basic principles we use when ‘conditioning’ the behavior of animals, as well as children and adults. This is explained by the Pavlov effect. Which is named after Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936); the Noble prize winning Russian physiologist who discovered it during his studies on Behaviorism. In line with this concept, in my last post how pain and pleasure affect every decision in your life I explained to you how rewards (pleasure) and punishments (pain) can be used effectively to rid yourself, once and for all, of any unwanted behavior.

But it is important to note, that if you make any change in your life and you want these changes to be long term, then Continue reading “Lose Weight Using Pain & Pleasure Principle”