Mark Twain once said “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not “. He may have been right on some levels, but what if I tell you that with spirulina, you can eat foods that you like and still be healthy Firstly, how to take spirulina is very important for achieving the best results. It has 50-60% protein, which means that spirulina has the highest content of protein than any other food. The NASA is researching spirulina as a substitute for food for the astronauts. This research began as soon as they found out that 1kg of spirulina had the same nutrients found in a 1000 kg of assorted vegetables. Spirulina is also filled with the rich vitamin sources, such as vitamin B-1 and B-2, iron and boron. With its long list of benefits, it very well lives up to its title of being a superfood. Spirulina is the most popular superfood on the market. It’s been used for thousands of years and is known for giving Aztec and Inca fighters endurance and strength. Spirulina is an ideal food to feed a starving world.
It’s been used in third world countries to relieve hunger with Continue reading “Top 13 Health Benefits of Superfood Spirulina”